Alex Nagy

“Getting to know a place is neither about taking it over nor about being afraid of it, it’s more like getting lost in it, still running forward powered by excitement of what you notice on the way. What ReAct! notices is mostly the people and their behavior, while the people have already noticed a change in the space of their every day life. I like this approach to the space – careful, yet powerful enough to generate reactions.”

Alex Nagy grew up in French country side. He spent two years in Lille (North of France) where he started a bachelor in art/dance that he finished in 2014 at DOCH (University of Dance and Circus) in Stockholm.

Alex has collaborated in different projects initiated by artists such as Scheherazade Zambrano Orozco, Mariane Berthault, Safoura Safavi, Dinis Machado. He has also worked as a technician at Aurillac international street theater festival. He is currently part of the company ReAct! and is one of the dancers in The Door, a children’s performance by Robin Dingemans.

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